My goodness! I never thought I would start a blog. I mean, I never read them, so why write one? Even the term "blog" never appealed to me. Blog. It sounds like "Bog" or "Wump" (well not the actual sound, but you know.). Why would I want to update my "wump"? Well, I dunno. Mostly because Stephanie told me I should.
Anyway. Today I was thinking about time. How time passes. What it is. Is it "bendable". And I say no. Time travel is not possible. Time is more a theory than a force. It's not like gravity. You can't defy it in any way. People may think it's kept sort of as a "blanket" on the universe. Just lift the cover and you are set. No. That's not how it work. Eternity is a thought. And our revolutions and spins merely measure the thought, the theory of time. If Superman spun the early backwards, he wouldn't save Lois, he would merely cause terror to the planet. Waves would come over place like Texas and Mongolia. And what about the moon in that whole scenario.
No. Time is not graspable. I just hope for the day that I don't have to live by it's unavoidable laws.
Until then, I'll post here.
Sincerely From the Mountain,
Just my daily ponderings. Feel free to comment on what you please.