Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Noble Mission
(The scene is about two minutes in. it is short. )

In the movie (and I'm guessing the book, even though I have not read it) Mansfield Park, one of the characters is spoken of as wanting a noble mission. He would say to his father in his childhood days "Please, Father, give me a noble mission." I have ever identified with this character's thought. A noble mission. Not an impossible task, but something graspable and real. A Noble Mission. This career I am set on, no matter how much I love it, has never really felt like a noble mission. Art, although it can and I am the first to say it could, does not usually carry with it a burden of greatness. That is why I have become interested in the politics of our time. I love to paint and work with my hands, but I love to learn and ponder and debate! Politics seems to be a noble mission. It is a calling, I believe, just like being a pastor or going to war. Many hate it. I thrive on it. The very thought of change and reform and direct influence on everybody! wow... Although It may only lead to many a good argument and a few Political Science courses, it could lead to so much more! Like saying "Goodbye ,Gregoire....!" ;)
Thankfully, as a Christian, there is always a noble mission for one to strive for, to serve the Lord and spread the Word to His people. His Wisdom is always available and His Love is ever present. I thank Him that even in searching for a mission, he has a plan for our lives, something more intricate then our little minds can plan.
Psalm 37 tells us to not fret and that the Lord will take care of it all.
Thank you Lord for not leaving us alone to fight it out for ourselves.

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