Thursday, June 25, 2009

Shoe down the River

I believe a journey is awaiting me. I'm on the wings of an adventure. Tail feathers ready for lift off...
Just a week or so ago, I went tubing down a river. Higher than it had been the year before, it traveled faster. At one point, our four tubes, which were tide together, hit a tree root coming off the bank. My foot was caught, and I was whisked off of our safe floating cluster into the cold water.
For a moment I held onto a nearby branch, the water rushing past my face. My shoe had been ripped off. I searched the water for it.
I had to let go. My friends yelled to me. "Get back on the raft! The shoe doesn't matter!"
I swam to them, only a moment later, seeing my Keen just a few feet away, I clammored back for it.
With terribly bruised knees and a cold foot, I came back to my tube. "How can you be so calm?" One of them asked.
I had the shoe. Why should I be otherwise?

It's the little adventures that make things worth it.

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