Friday, July 3, 2009

I think spiders are beautiful

Have you ever looked at one? Really looked at a spider?
When I was about 12 or 13, I was still quite fearful of spiders. I made my sister kill them whenever I saw them, I would hide if I knew one was near, and I played the scared, screaming girl quite well. But with every thing that I have ever feared, I have felt the insatiable need to conquer that fear, from eating overly odd foods to pulling the release chord from a 70 foot drop. I feel defeated if I stay afraid.
So, one day as I was searching for a specimen to draw, I decided a spider would be perfect! I picked up a small arachnid from outside and let it scramble all around my hand (I don't believe the little ones bite. Have you ever seen one bite?) I studied it for a long time, and I thought it was gorgeous! I still wonder often what the oblong shapes are that are in their transparent legs...
From that day on, I really haven't feared any spider, not even the black widows I encountered in Mexico. There is something beautiful to be seen in how each living organism functions and is designed. True, spiders have a somewhat frightening appearance (and they can be deadly), and perhaps my fascination is a little odd. But isn't it better to have a lack of fear, than an needless abundance?

1 comment:

lisa anne christensen said...

I envy your conquers and I commend your bravery.
I pulled a spider off riccio's back today...that's gotta count for something haha