Wednesday, April 14, 2010


In today's beautiful sunshine I decided to go out for an adventure. My lack of driving abilities was made up for my residency on a few wonderful acres of woods, so I hiked at home. I walked all about the woods, and with all the right clothing, all was possible. (As the Norwegian's say- "there is no bad weather, only bad clothing." I say, along the same lines, that "Whatever your clothes can, you can.")
As a kid, I was way too afraid to do anything like climb trees or jump off of tall things. It was too risky. I, however, was a little daring, but very cautious (obviously a very torn individual). So I've been trying to make up for my lack of daring when I was young. Today I climbed trees, walked across logs, and jumped down from trees, and acquired a few scrapes and bruises. It was all very worth it and was much better than the workout I had planned.
All that being said, I am whole heartedly inspired by one particular individual....

Oh Bear Grylls, are you a super hero?
I find him... admirable.

Sometimes, his eating habits seem a little unconventional.

And some say he's not that impressive... ha!
But in all, I think he's also pretty down to earth.
Well, maybe not so much.

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