Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Don't you think maps are just so inspiring?? I just picked this one up today, and I'm particularly excited to explore what it offers. Of course, my map may not excite most people around, but I think we can all admit that a map means adventure. From the good old treasure maps we drew ourselves as little kids, to the old world maps from hundreds- thousands- of years ago, maps generate the desire of more than where you are right now.
I once went on an entire roadtrip dedicated to the Lewis and Clark voyage. We visited many re-enactments, to scale models of boats, tents, and gadgets, and many taxidermied animals (slightly creepy, but relevant.) All of it gave the true feeling of a fantastic feat. I would do the entire trip again.
One small part of the trip that amazed me was the map that Clark drew during the voyage. It's really quite accurate! Every few miles Clark would stop and continue his cartography endeavors. The mountains, the rivers, the canyons all got a place in his book.
Map Making... A mystery.

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